1. Thank you so much for this article! I thought I always have to have the “admin” username and now I know how to change it! Thank you so much ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Lauren,
    I tried to do this with my site, but it didn’t allow me. It says that the email I listed is already in use.
    But if I go to the All Users, I have the drop down to change the role to Subscriber, Editor, Author and Administrator. Should I just change it there?

    Thank you for all these great posts too!!

    1. Ahh yes! I should have addressed this.

      When you create your new user, use a temporarily other email address for yourself. It will need to be one you have access to. This will just be for a moment.

      Then once you get past deleting the admin user, you can go to Users>Your profile and update your email address there.

  3. Thank you so so much! I had read somewhere that I could NOT change my user name, admin!! Now I understand how that happened. You are so amazing!!

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