Is your site mobile-friendly?

Mobile Responsive theme and website design has been all the rage the last couple years. And up until now, it’s been a discretionary choice of the blogger or site owner to make their site mobile friendly for their visitors. However, as of April 21st, Google is going to be placing higher rank for the sites that are mobile friendly. What this means is that if your site is not mobile friendly, then your rankings will suffer.
You can read more here about what all this means!
So how do you know if your site is mobile friendly?
You’ll want to go here and enter your domain and let it run the test. If you pass, congratulations!! You’re all set to go!
How do you know make your site mobile friendly?
If you don’t pass, it will give you a few little notes about things to fix. We are here to help if you find yourself stuck on this step and need some help!
If you know already that your site is not using a mobile responsive theme then you will want to get moving and change that before April 21st! The beauty in using a theme is you can have it up in just a matter of hours!
All our themes here are Restored 316 are all mobile responsive and pass this mobile friendly google test so take a peek and update your site before your rankings take a hit!