1. Thank’s for this thorough walk-through. I don’t change my fonts up too often so when I do it’s “touch-and-go” at first. This will be my reference whenever I start messing around with things. 🙂

    1. Restored316 says:

      You’re very welcome!

  2. Is this in general how to do it? Or do you have a specific set of instructions for people who use StudioPress’s Genesis theme?

    1. Restored316 says:

      Adam, these instructions will work with ANY Genesis theme!

  3. Do we have to use a Google font or can we use one that we have purchased? I’m interested in using a script font for the title in my header, thank you!

    1. Restored316 says:

      Hi Lisa,

      Most definitely! You can use a font you’ve purchased as long as you’ve purchased the webfont license. Here is an example of one that has a webfont file available. Once you download you will have instructions on installing it. I may need to do another tutorial on specifically installing and using a webfont though because there is a tiny bit more involved. You can also shoot me an email if you need some more help!

      1. I have purchased a TTF font on Creative Market, but I haven’t been able to actually add it to my theme using the above instructions. Is there a step I am missing? Thanks!

        1. Restored316 says:

          Hi Celine,

          This tutorial shows how to use Google fonts, so using an outside sourced font requires different steps. We don’t have a tutorial on that here, but you may search for “font-face” and locate some tutorials on that.

      2. How to change the font size on the navigation bar as well as the post title

        1. Lani Padilla says:

          AZ, Please submit a support ticket on this. Thanks!

  4. Thank you! This was very helpful.

  5. How can we find out what font is being used on our purchased template? I have the “Tasteful” template and just wanting to know what font it is for logo purposes.

    1. Restored316 says:

      The font used in the Tasteful theme is Raleway 😉

  6. I have a similar question. What font is used for the Adorn theme? Also, the text on my theme seems so pale and faint I find it very hard to read. Can I make it darker (without being BOLD) so that there is more contrast? Or make it a touch larger? I also find the aqua too light to see well. Any advice? Thank you.

  7. I am not a spammer, please let me comment. This is a very helpful post but I don’t know how to get to the stylesheet. Help.

  8. I’m a little confused about how to change the menu and post title fonts. I get how to change the body font. I want a serif font for the menu/post title and a totally different font for the body. Is that possible?

  9. Hello, i would like to change a color of the fonts in post and pages please let me know how i can do this. thank you in advance

    1. Lauren Dierschke says:

      Hi! If you will please shoot an email over to my assistant account, I can walk you through it! [email protected] 🙂

  10. I’ve got the Darling Theme and would like to change my body font from Playfair Display to Merriweather. I’m concerned about the loading time on my page if add another Google font without getting rid of Playfair Display. Is there a way to remove the unwanted font altogether?

    1. Lauren Dierschke says:

      Hey Krisitie! IF you aren’t going to use the Playfair font, you can remove it! If not, feel free to email me directly at [email protected] and I can walk you through it!

  11. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your tutorials. My blog is in the creative phase (i.e. pre-launch phase) and your advice is helping me navigate down the path of website design and bring my passion to life. Thank you for the great advice!

  12. Thank you for this tutorial. I was able to change the font on the body an d the widget. However, the font on the primary menu, secondary menu, and widget titles aren’t changed. I’ve changed the font here:
    h6 {
    font-family: ‘Roboto Condensed’, sans-serif;
    font-weight: 100;
    letter-spacing: 1px;
    line-height: 1.25;
    margin: 0;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    padding: 0;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    Maybe I need to change anywhere else ? Please help! Thank you


    1. Lauren Dierschke says:

      Hi! Yes, those changes you made were JUST for the headings. You’ll also want to insert the font family you choose into the other areas. For the main font of the body, you’ll want to adjust the font-family under the “body” section in your stylesheet. Same with the navigation menu. It’s helpful to just do a search within your stylesheet for “font-family” so you can see which ones are already set, and then you can go from there! Feel free to contact us if you have any issues!

  13. kellyzollo says:

    I know this is an ancient thread but I am trying to upload two fonts into my site. I was able to change the body font no problem but for some reason it is not changing my h1-h6 font at all. In my code I have it like this at the top:

    @import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Fira+Sans:400,300,300italic,500,400italic,500italic,700,700italic);
    @import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Great+Vibes);

    and then in the headers section I also changed the code here too:

    h6 {
    color: #333;
    font-family: ‘font-family: ‘Great Vibes’, cursive;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: 400;
    letter-spacing: 2px;
    line-height: 1.2;
    margin: 0 0 30px;
    text-transform: none;

    I also in the Genesis settings put my font in like this:

    So I am at a loss as to why it won’t change the headings, any help would be appreciated!

    1. Lauren Dierschke says:

      Hi Kelly! Would you contact me directly ([email protected]) so that I can take a look at this? 🙂

  14. HI, I am so thankful I found this article on how to add fonts because I spent hours looking for an easy to follow instruction on how to add google fonts and this article is the only one which made it really simple. Thank you for your simple and easy to follow guide. Keep up the good work!

    1. Restored316 says:

      You’re so welcome! Glad you found this helpful!

  15. I’ve been searching everywhere on how to change the font size. I know there are plugins I can add to easily change font style, size and color, but too many plugins slow things down. I was able to change the font size in the body, but I can’t figure out to change the others. Would you suggest using a plugin instead? Thank you!

    1. Restored316 says:

      It really depends on the element you’re trying to change. If you just have one other font to change, I would recommend doing that in the code itself versus a heavy plugin. If you’re wanting a lot of control over your fonts, then a plugin might be a great solution for you.

  16. Hi, t here!

    It looks like the Google Fonts link in this post is broken. Wanted to let you know. 🙂

    1. Restored316 says:

      Just fixed that! Thank you Katie!

  17. Bessy Varghese says:

    Hello! Where can I find the Stylesheet? I am using the Bloom Theme.. I haven’t launched my website yet. But was trying to figure out how to change the font..

    1. Restored316 says:

      This is under Appearance>Editor in your dashboard.

  18. Hi Courtney,

    I did this and it worked for my computer but when I went on an iPad it didn’t change?
    Do you have any idea what to do?

    Thanks for the super clear instructions!!

  19. Hi Courtney!

    It actually did work .. thanks so much!
    And if it’s possible could you please put up a tutorial on inserting bought web fonts into our genesis theme?

    Thanks so much!!

    1. Lauren Dierschke says:

      Hey Sam! I’m glad that worked! We will definitely consider adding that to our tutorials! Thank you for the suggestion!

  20. I just totally messed up my site trying to change the font on my own and now I don’t know how to change it back. can someone please help me?

    1. Lauren Dierschke says:

      Hey Najla! I would be more than happy to help you out! Shoot me a direct email at [email protected] and I will take a look and get it fixed for you.

  21. I just purchased your glam theme today for a blog. Love it, and thanks for the tutorial! I’m customizing the colors / fonts close to another branded blog with some slight variations and this worked great.

  22. I tried everything I can think of – didn’t work. I am only trying to change the Post headings.

    1. It did finally load, although the new font does not look like the Google Font sample – I am using your Dainty Theme

      1. Restored316 says:

        Hi Jodi,

        Are you able to post a link to your site?

        1. My site is still in production mode and has not been made public yet

  23. Hey Thanks,
    This guide helped me to change my website’s fonts.. Thanks a lot.. 😀

  24. Thanks for the Great tutorial , I was explaining to one of my friend on how to change the fonts , but it was difficult to explain via chat , at-last found your post and redirected him to here and finally he changed font successfully on his Genesis theme by following your tutorial, thanks once again for the great tutorial.

    1. Restored316 says:

      Hooray! You’re so welcome! Glad this was helpful!

  25. Preferred says:

    Hi Lauren! I am trying to change the Widget Title font SIZE. I changed the font size here:
    .widget-title {
    font-family: ‘Roboto’, sans-serif;
    font-size: 20px;
    font-size: 1.2rem;
    font-weight: 700;
    letter-spacing: 2px;
    text-transform: uppercase;

    .widget-title {
    text-align: center;

    But nothing changed on my site. The font size is just too small. What should I do?

    1. Hi Tarah,

      There are 2 lines there for your widget titles… one is in Pixels and the other is in Rem. When you make changes to the pixels there you’ll also have to change the other. Here is how that works:

      20px = 2rem
      15px = 1.5rem
      9px = .9rem

      Once you make that change that should work for you!

      1. Preferred says:

        It worked! yay! thank you 🙂

  26. Hi Lauren,
    Thank you for this post! This was very helpful and helped me achieve what I have been trying to do for the past 30 minutes. You Rock!

  27. Hey! I’ve been using one of your themes for a couple of years, and LOVE it! I’ve just started a new site, and I found how to change the color of the secondary menu background, but now I need to change the button colors in it, because you can’t see them. Is there a way to do that?
    Thanks so much, and thanks for your amazing products!
    manawadesigns.com (the secondary menu at the top needs to have white buttons)

    1. Looks like you’ve made the switch to the Refined theme! If you still need any help we are happy to help through our support desk!

  28. Hi Lauren,
    Thank you for the wonderful tutorial! I have been pulling my hair out lately, this makes it so simple.

  29. Awesome post. Studiopress gives options that dont work, but this one does. Thanks a lot.

    Greetings all the way from Amsterdam (Netherlands)

  30. I have the Delightful Pro theme and tried to change the fonts, but it didn’t work for me. I followed all of your instructions. What am I doing wrong?

    1. Lani Padilla says:

      Hi Victorine,
      If you are sure all of the code is correct, try clearing cache on the browser. That should help!

  31. Hi I followed these instrutions for the Darling theme and it did not work. I can’t change the font or make it bigger. in posts, my title is the same size or smaller than my headings and I’d like to fix that.

  32. I’ve followed the instructions but I’m receiving this message at the bottom above the update file button once I’ve pressed it.

    “Something went wrong. Your change may not have been saved. Please try again. There is also a chance that you may need to manually fix and upload the file over FTP.”

    Oh no! Would love some tips on what I need to do next. Thanks!

    1. Lani Padilla says:

      Hi Mel,
      I recommend contacting your host for this. Hope this helps!

  33. Hey there,

    worked like a charm. 🙂

    Unfortunately, here in Germany, we can’t have fonts that are pulled directly from Google servers because of a strict reading of the GDPR. Some bloggers have already received written warnings.

    I was wondering: If I go back to the default fonts of my theme (I have the Darling theme) will fonts still be pulled from Google servers or do they load locally from my own server??

    Thank you so much!

    1. If I want to go back to default, will I just change the font names back to the default ones and delete the snippet from the header script?


    2. Lani Padilla says:

      Hi Carolin,

      Yes, the fonts would be loaded from Googles servers.

      If the fonts are banned completely, I recommend leaving the font install so those in the US viewing your site can still see the google font. Then you have a fallback font…

      font-family: “Playfair Display”, serif;

      This says that Playfair Display (the Google font) is the first choice, and if that won’t load it will load the default serif font from your, or anyone on your sites, computer. This is generally Georgia for a serif font, and Helvetica for a sans-serif fallback font.

      Hope this helps!

  34. Hello! I just bought some awesome font on creative market, including the web license that goes along.
    I would like to upload it into my theme (cultivate) but need some help 😕

  35. Hello! You mention in a grayed out box at the top of this guide “You can do this by exporting your current theme via FTP” …. Do you have a guide on how to do this? …. or any guide to periodically backing up your site? TIA 😊

  36. Hi Lauren, I have two questions. I hope you can help. 1) When I change the header script, I\’m assuming I click \”Publish\” to get it to stick, right? Otherwise, I get a message about my changes not being saved. It seems right, but if it\’s not, can you let me know? and 2) I cannot find anything that says Editor under Appearance. Has this navigation changed since the post was originally published? Thank you so much!

    1. Lani Padilla says:

      Hi Joni,
      Yes …. when you add or change anything in the customizer, you’ll need to click “Publish” for the change to take affect.
      Can you see “Theme Editor” under Appearance? If not, either your host has this disabled, or a security plugin is disabling it.

  37. Please disregard my previous comment. Apparently, iThemes Security, by default, disables the editor. I enabled it, made the change, and re-disabled it. Thanks for the tutorial!

  38. Hello, I have the Divine Pro theme and would like to change the color of the body text. The default color is lighter than I would like. How would I do this? Thank you

    1. Lani Padilla says:

      Hello HJ!

      Add this code to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS, changing the color to your preference:

      body {
      color: #777;

      Hope this helps!

  39. Hi there,
    I purchased Refined a couple years ago, and am trying to change my fonts to new Google Fonts (Poppins/Playfair Display). For some reason the Front Page Widget titles, and the Blog heading on the home page refuse to change to the new fonts. I\’ve literally done \”Find\” for font-family in the entire original CSS, and changed everything over to the new in Customize CSS. Any insight as to why the home page headings/titles won\’t update to the new fonts?
    Any help is much appreciated!!

    1. Lani Padilla says:

      Also check the style-front.css file …. there’s code there specifically for the front page.
      Hope this helps!

  40. Has there been a tutorial made for purchased fonts not from Google? I have purchased and downloaded the rights to font that match my branding but have not been able to find a tutorial here except for the google portion – it mentions that there is a few more steps for purchased fonts. I’m wondering what those steps are. Thank you!

    1. Lani Padilla says:

      Hi Melissa,
      To use your custom fonts, we recommend this tutorial from WPBeginner: HOW TO ADD CUSTOM FONTS IN WORDPRESS. Scroll down to the section titled “Adding Custom Fonts in WordPress Using CSS3 @font-face.”
      Hope this helps!

  41. I purchased the Splendor theme less than a month ago. I have tried to change my fonts but to no avail. Here is what I’ve put in Header Scripts:

    I have also changed the font family in Splendor Theme: style.css to reflect the new font name globally. However when I look at my home page nothing has changed. Any suggestions?

    1. Lani Padilla says:

      Hi Roy,
      Can you please submit a ticket on this?

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