1. I listened to the entire podcast Lauren. It was great to put a voice to the face. That’s usually the other way around I think. Anyways… loved hearing your story and all you had to share. It’s encouraging and a blessing to hear all that God has done in your business/family and how He’s brought you to where you are now.

    One of my biggest prayers is “God use me in whatever way you see fit” Sometimes that means begin a mama to my kids and ministering to them, sometimes it means being an ear to a stranger or a neighbor. I feel like we go through seasons in our lives… most times those seasons teach us more of Him and to see His hand in the everyday whether we’re building websites or wiping runny noses.

    I feel like I”m in a new place and I really want to hear God for His direction. Gonna ask God to open the doors He wants for me and close those that need to shut…. just like you mentioned.

    1. Lauren Dierschke says:

      Thank you so much Liz! I’m so happy you enjoyed the podcast and that is was an inspiration for you! I’ll be praying for you as well through this season that God open the doors that need to be opened, and close the ones that need to be closed!

  2. Thank you so much for being brave enough to share your story and tell us about how God made that happen. I started my business after my late husband got really sick. So grateful to be able to work from home. All God’s grace. Love your themes ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Lauren Dierschke says:

      Oh Tarnya, I just clicked over and read your story and you have inspired me to say the least! I’m so very sorry for your loss. I’m also so very grateful you get to work from home with your 8 babies (even the big ones will always be considered your babies!) and that blesses me so much to read your story.

      Thank you for your sweet comment and I’m honored that you listened to my podcast!

  3. Thank you for sharing this, Lauren. I was recently asked to be featured in a podcast, and I’ve been putting it off because of similar fears. I know it’s a fear I need to overcome, so it helps to read stories like these. Your courage is inspiring! I look forward to listening to your podcast. Congrats! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Lauren Dierschke says:

      Thank you so much for your sweet comment Lori!

      2 things: Go email that person that wants to interview you and set a date – don’t think about it, just do it! Second, like I said in my post, replace all that negativity and fear in your head with positive words. You totally have what it takes to do this!

      And lastly, please let me know when it goes live because I absolutely want to hear it!

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