Submit a support ticket "*" indicates required fields PLEASE READ FIRST Please note that our support team is here to help answer questions pertaining to any Restored 316 theme setup and installation to match the demo. WordPress related questions and any further customizations (such as fonts, font sizes, etc) to themes is not covered under our provided support. Plugins that we recommend are also not supported by us. Our themes are simply styled to match them, but we are not able to provide support for them. Troubleshooting your theme after a considerable amount of customizations to your theme is also not included in our supportBefore submitting a support ticket, please verify that you've done the following* I am running the latest version of WordPress For Genesis themes, I am running the latest version of the Genesis Framework (3.5) For Kadence themes, I am running the latest version of the Kadence Theme PHP version is at least 8.1 (check with host if unsure.) All plugins are updated and I have ruled out a plugin conflict I have cleared my cache I have searched the support docs and am unable to find my answer Name First Last Email*THIS IS THE EMAIL ADDRESS USED TO PLACE YOUR ORDER. What product is your issue with?Kadence ThemeGenesis ThemeBlock CollectionCanva TemplatesCourses/WorkshopsKadence Theme*ActivateAnchored - KadenceAnne - KadenceBeloved - KadenceBoutique - KadenceCaptivating - KadenceCreate - KadenceDarling - KadenceEleanor - KadenceElizabeth - KadenceFarmhouse - KadenceFusion - KadenceGlamour - KadenceHomestead - KadenceImpact - KadenceJourney - KadenceJune - KadenceLimoncella - KadenceMarket - KadenceOlivia - KadencePenelope - KadencePiper - KadenceRefined - KadenceRosemary - KadenceSage - KadenceSavannah - KadenceScribe - KadenceSplendor - KadenceSprinkle - KadenceSuccess - KadenceThyme - KadenceWillow - KadenceGenesis Theme*Anchored - GenesisBeloved - GenesisCaptivating - GenesisCultivate - GenesisDarling - GenesisDazzling - GenesisDelightful - GenesisDivine - GenesisFarmhouse - GenesisGlam - GenesisGlamour - GenesisMarket - GenesisRefined - GenesisSavory - GenesisSimply Charming - GenesisSplendor - GenesisSprinkle - GenesisTasteful - GenesisTickled Pink - GenesisThyme - GenesisWhere did you make your purchase?Restored 316 WebsiteStudiopressEtsyCreative MarketBYLTOrder #*HOST*Name of Hosting Company for your siteWebsite URL*Please make sure your Restored 316 theme is currently active on your siteWordPress UsernameThis is the username you use to login at PasswordThis is the password you use to login at*I understand...* My question is related to the installation and/or setup of my theme to resemble the theme demo Anything beyond this is not covered by support